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Help! My HVAC Unit Is Making Popping Sounds

Help! My HVAC Unit Is Making Popping Sounds

If you hear strange popping noises from your HVAC system, you should have it examined. The noises may be linked to a much larger issue that is developing. However, there are times when the popping noise is not a big deal.

But if the popping sound is constant or the unit is experiencing performance issues, you should turn off the system and call us for an extensive inspection. Here are some of the possible issues related to the popping sounds.

The HVAC System Is Icing Up

In many instances, the popping noise you are hearing is because there might be ice forming in the unit. Ice will form when the unit is not draining properly or you set the temperature too low. Usually, HVAC units have a sensor that turns the system off when ice is firming. This helps the unit thaw out and get rid of the rice. The sound of ice falling and cracking may echo through your system, and that is why you hear the popping sounds. We always advise that you contact a professional if the sounds persist.

The Unit Is Being Flooded

The compressor might be absorbing liquid and causing the popping sounds. Water is not supposed to get to the sensitive parts of your HVAC unit. It causes severe damages and performance issues. If you started hearing the noises after heavy rain, there might be water in your unit. Turn off the power before taking any further steps. You can visually inspect the outdoors for any blockages or debris preventing the water from flowing out. Do not open the unit yourself; if the water is deep inside, you must contact a professional for help.

Mechanical Or Electrical Problems

The noises may be related to mechanical issues. It can be a result of poor installation or wear and tear. We might help by providing a proper diagnosis and formulating a repair plan if the unit has mechanical issues. You may be having loose screws, bolts, or joints. Sometimes the popping sounds are a result of electrical problems. Loose or bad connections can cause disturbing sounds. You should not ignore any of these signs because if they are not corrected, they can cause more severe damages.

When the Popping Sounds Are Not Such a Big Deal

Occasional or rare popping noises are not a big deal. If you always hear the noises when the system comes on, you should not panic. It might be the duct expanding because of the increasing temperatures.
Thermal expansion is usually harmless. You may also experience the noises when your vents were recently cleaned or you installed new vents. But if the noises persist for the whole season, you should schedule a repair session. It will stop the noise and the possible air leakage.

Call Us Today

Contact us if you have more concerns about your HVAC unit. We are happy to answer all your questions and see how we can help. We know how important the HVAC system is in maintaining a healthy home. That is why we are always ready to help.
